三位忙碌的紐約客爸爸,在每天喝咖啡的日常當中,希望能為地球環境做些什麼?腦力激盪過了三年後,誕生了 #Stojo吸攜杯 並在美國知名募資平台Kickstarter 創下超高額達標,無毒耐冷熱的材質,秒收成5cm厚度!好折疊、輕防漏且便於攜帶,產品融合美式風格與歐洲簡約設計!



了解更多 關於Stojo的故事


Sustainability shouldn't mean sacrifice

The future of our planet depends on more than doing without. It depends on optimism and tuning into the simple pleasures of the people and environment around us. That’s why at Stojo, we’re committed to designing earth-conscious products that bring more to life than what they take away.

So while your Stojo will save thousands of disposable cups a year, we hope it will also start new conversations, new habits, and new adventures.

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